On October 8, 2017, wildfires swept through Sonoma County and destroyed about 6,000 homes. The City of Santa Rosa alone lost over 3,000 homes, many of which housed multiple families, core workforce members, and long-term residents on fixed incomes. In addition to the physical, human, and ecological damage, the fires amplified an already dire regional housing shortage.
To assist Sonoma County and the City of Santa Rosa with an infill-focused rebuild, the Council of Infill Builders offers this page as a resource for land use experts involved in the effort.
“Downtown Santa Rosa Opportunity Sites Map”
City of Santa Rosa
May 31, 2018
“Infill Opportunity Sites Map in Sonoma County & Santa Rosa”
8th Wave
May 30, 2018
“Sonoma County & Santa Rosa Housing Numbers”
Council of Infill Builders
May 30, 2018
“Financing a Climate-Smart Recovery and Renewing Sonoma County’s Economic Vitality”
Presentation by Margaret S. Van Vliet
Executive Director, Sonoma County Community Development Commission
January 26, 2018
“Renewal Enterprise District (RED) Overview”
Joint County-Santa Rosa Build & Rebuild Ad Hoc
December 13, 2017